An thoughtful move (2004-03-07)
Today I received a notice from the gas company in the
mail. (I've received similar notices before from different companies.)
It was just a sheet of A4 paper, not really mail, someone was going
from door to door delivering it to every household in the area.
The notice informs you that work will be carried out on gas pipes
two days from today at such and such address, the road will be blocked
to traffic, there will be noise, and possibly some thumping. It gives
details of the date and time of the event. It apologizes for the
inconvience caused and thanks for everyone's understanding and
cooperation. A map of the area where the work will take place is also
included. The purpose of the notice is that people are forewarned; may
be they'll want to take a nap outside the drilling time or take a
different route to their destination other than the road that is to
receive the gas work.
I know this is just a petty little trifle on a given day, but I
can't help but feel good about it. Another example of consideration and
thoughtfulness by the Japanese manifested in our daily lives.
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