To Tokyo And My Shopping (2011-02-07)

Waiting to board our flight home

At the airport dutyfree shop, bought a pair of XO sauce


Unknown dessert

Soba was contaminated with the wad of wasabi in the middle

The beef was TERRIBLE, it had that gamy taste of lamb, yuck!

C offered to swap her chicken with me, she's so kind

Whole clove of fried garlic in the sauce

Got Shiseido skin care products (special sale and paying in cash make it a lot cheaper than buying in Tokyo)

Shopping from Hong Kong was all about food of course, and much of it from wet markets

Choi sum

Chinese broccoli

Baby bak choi

Fresh straw mushrooms

Also bought some fresh water chestnuts and a green carrot

The loaf of bread was squashed during storage in Kowloon Hotel (but still edible)

BBQ pork and fish stick

Snuck in fruit too

Huge orange but disappointingly tart

It had a large baby orange inside



Chinese cured meat

Salted duck gizzard

Food from supermarkets and wet markets

Thousand-year-old eggs

More food

A lot of it was for friends

My absolute favorite food from Kee Wah and Koi Kei

Of course there are the usual dental floss and rice

The only non-food item I bought: tiger pencil case

for Efoo of course

He doesn't like it much though
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