Toys For Efoo (2009-10-24)
The only toys I ever bought for Efoo so far is a bunny-shaped bath sponge and a toy stick with feather at the top that cost me a buck each at a Yen shop. This cheap master felt that Efoo deserved a bit more extravagant toys to spice up his game time, so I got him two "scratching boxes" and a "fish flashlight".The scratching boxes are nothing more than a stack of cardboard
strips fitted into an elongated box so the cat can play with it while
using it as a scratch post. At a buck each, I thought they were
exceptional value until our cat shows no interest in them whatsoever,
then they are two dollars down the drain.
The fish flashlight is a whole different story. He LOVES
it! The little fish-shaped light it projects on any surface
drives Efoo nuts! Seeing him run and dart across the floor or
jump up against the wall trying to catch that fish is hilarious.
Because this master is cheap, I wouldn't get a 30-dollar laser pointer, a 7-dollar fish flashlight is just as good and not harmful to Efoo should I accidentally point the light at his eyes.
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