
Kawaguchiko Station (2011-06-07)

Kawaguchiko is a small town with a small station.  The station comprises of a ticket office, a souvenir shop and a canteen with the local bus stops, highway bus stop and taxi rank at curbside.

To get around town and all its sightseeing spots, the best deal is to get the 2-day all-you-can-ride Retro bus passes for 1000Yen/US$12 (there're no single day passes).  Pay 300Yen more and the pass covers more than twice as many places and Lake Saiko. 

Our 1000Yen passes go to pretty much all major touristy spots (except famous Sengen Jinja Shrine which we weren't planning to visit anyway) along the east side of Lake Kawaguchiko.

There are two buses per hour, so time your visit accordingly.  If you miss one, it's a pain to wait for the next one.  The buses we boarded were amazingly punctual (typical Japanese transportation system), so if you stick to the schedule, you shouldn't have to wait for long.

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