
Strict Dress Code To A Funeral (2004-12-06)

When I think of rigid rules and customs Japanese follow, dressing "appropriately" to a funeral comes to mind.  In Japan people keep very strict dress code when they attend a funeral.  Women are dressed in absolute black only and carry black handbags.  No jewelry is allowed on the body (not even rings or a watch) except a single strand of pearl necklace which is optional.  But most women will choose to wear one to a funeral since no other jewelry is permitted.  It is important that they dress accordingly or it will be viewed as utter disrespect to the deceased and his/her family.  Dressing in bright colors to a funeral is a no-no of course, but it seems a little strict to disallow all other dark-colored clothing.

After I die, I don't want a funeral at all.  Why waste money on a show that serves no purpose to me?  I prefer to be cremated and my ashes buried under a tree to act as fertilizer.  But if someone insists on giving me a funeral, I would not mind a bit what color clothes attendees wear.  I'm a very open-minded person, even in death.

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