
Food In Los Angeles (2006-02-24)

KL took pictures of the food he ate in Los Angeles whenever the situation was deemed appropriate to do so.  As much as he wanted to show (off) his meals to me, you can't quite just pull out a camera and start snapping away photos of the food at company dinner with American colleagues and not look like a clown.

He got some free time the first day and a half after arrival, so he was able to visit with an old pal and Rick who drove all the way from San Francisco to LA just to see them.  He took pictures of everything they ate together.

KL's friend, who has a successful music career, treated them to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant called Table 8.  They also ate Shanghai food the next day for lunch.  According to KL, the food was all very nice. (envy envy envy ....)

So I thought I would post these food pictures here instead of tossing them.  I can't tell you if the food really is good, I'm waiting for him to take me there one day to get a first-hand report.

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