Red Wine Beef Stew (2008-10-09)

Cut the meat into chunks

Vegetables ready

Marinating in progress

Meat, veggies, and liquid separated before cooking

The beef is coated with flour

Ready for frying

Don't overcrowd the pan/pot otherwise the meat'll be stewed instead of fried

After all the meat is browned, thick crusty brown bits are left on the pan which will give nice color and flavor to the sauce

Sauteeing the veggies

then the tomato paste

Beef returns to the pot

The marinating liquid and stock go in (I added too much...)

Skim off scum before closing the lid to start the slow stewing

A lot less water content evaporated from the pressure cooker than I expected, thus I was left with this much sauce afterwards

After boiling the sauce down for 10 minutes and thickening with cornstarch mixture, this is the final product

First dinner was served with roasted potatoes

We had the leftover with rice
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