Those Cats Are Traitors (2007-04-24)

Sacca is forever hanging around Mrs Y's house

Mama Cat practically glues to Mrs Y's front gate area


Mrs Y used to go to the corner of the parking lot in front of our apt to feed Mama Cat and her kids. Now that the cats all hang around her house, she doesn't need to bring over the food anymore

Sacca showing the first sign of unwellness (Leukemia) when he was lethargic and refused food (in Nov 2006). He would gaze at the floor for a long time and not moved


I took Sacca to the vet every single day for the first week (this vet didn't have inpatient boarding service) and twice a week thereafter for a coupla more weeks on Mrs Y's tricycle. Since he refused food for the first week, he needed a gigantic shot of nutritional fluids everyday and two other injections to fight the disease, it was heartbreaking to hear his moans and saw his near death face. I'm so happy he made it at the end

The vet's house doubles as the clinic

Mama Cat used to sleep on a patch of weed in the parking lot edge when she hung around our apt area

Close up

Sacca behind his mom

The little ones used to rest in the "front yard" of our neighbor

They loved to play catch with the stick
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