
This Season's First Box Of Annouimo (2007-11-07)

We pre-ordered 3 Kg of Annouimo back in August.  The email from the farmer only said it'd arrive in mid October and that it'd be C.O.D.   There's no further email from him ever and for all we know, he might've forgotten about us entirely.

The box arrived without warning one morning.  In the true fashion of Murphy's Law, out of the whole day the delivery truck could come, it came at the exact same time when I just stepped out of the shower, hair dripping wet and naked!  I asked the courier to wait but he kept ringing the bell!

I hurriedly tossed a shirt on, braless, wrapped a towel around my head and opened the door.  The man was very nice and professional but I felt really embarrassed while we finished up the transaction. 

But later, the embarrassment immediately gave way to joy when I opened the box and saw the beautiful sweet potatoes freshly picked just a couple of days ago (says the letter that accompanied the box).  These sweet potatoes are expensive (US$22 for 3Kg), but so so so worth it.

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