
"Big" Efoo (2010-09-17)

Efoo went for his vaccination recently and came in at exactly 5 kg (11 lbs) on the vet's weighing table (I forgot to bring my camera to record that day! T_T).   For an adult male cat, that's not really big.  But the two photos I took of him being held by KL makes him look huge.  Take the pictures at the right angle, you can make any cat look big.

Side note: something Efoo did at the vet made the nurse stop on her way to the office and turn her head to stare at us and even the vet couldn't help blurted out "kawaii!" (meaning cute in Japanese)

Toward the end of the examination as I stood at the edge of the exam table, a shaking but not freaked-out Efoo sat on his hind legs and wrapped his two arms around my neck as if he was HUGGING me meanwhile burying his face between my breasts.  Instinctively I hunched and hugged him back!  I've never seen a cat hug a human in my life.  Efoo would have continued that posture if I hadn't pushed him down.

I was stunned and moved.  A wave of emotion overcame me and that very instant was our moment!  That two minutes will FOREVER BE OUR MOMENT.  :)

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