Cherikoff (2014-02-05)
Cherikoff was an integral part in our lives growing up in Hong Kong. KL's mom used to buy bread and cookies from Cherikoff for the kids as a treat and my parents used to get their "wheel bread".I was really surprised to find it still in business after all these
years and decided to pay a visit the day before we left Hong
Kong. We chatted with the friendly cashier about how we used to
eat their bread a lot. She even gave us cookie samples to try.
KL bought a pound of cookies to bring to work and I got ten french
rolls to bring back to Tokyo. I hope it continues to do business
for many more years.
Cherikoff 760 Nathan road, Mongkok (the shop is actually on Sai Yueng Choi St South, steps from Prince Edward Station B2 exit)
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