
Okinawa Rock Candies (2005-02-01)

If a candy looks like dog poop, will you eat it?  That will be a "Yes" to all those Japanese people who like the well-known Okinawa candies.  These candies are made from locally-grown sugar and the making process churns out large slabs of hard candies from which smaller bite-sized pieces are hammered out.  The end product resembles something that passes from a pooch's butt.  Although the appearance of these candies is not too appertizing, their taste is said to be quite good.  I find them interesting to look at, but not interesting enough to eat.

On another note, this site is approaching its first anniversary.  I find it hard to believe that I lasted this long writing a new article everyday.  KL has been working on a face lift of the site lately.  You should be able to see a brand new look of Tabibito on Feb 25 ( fingers crossed).  The content will remain pretty much the same, but the layout will be different.  I am looking forward to seeing it myself.

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