
Those Cats Are Traitors (2007-04-24)

The good Mama Cat and her son Sacca and daughter Neegau used to come to our balcony every single day.  They napped and ate there and occasionally afforded us the pleasure of catnapping the two young ones and playing with them.  And now?  They no longer like our place!  They defected to Mrs Y's house down the street and never looked back.  They thumb their noses at my cheap cat food and kiss Mrs Y's butt who buys them much more expensive premium food.

It was me who rescued Mama Cat when she was starving to death.  It was me who took Sacca to the vet everyday for a week (in pouring rain twice) when he was sick with leukemia.  I darn well saved his life!  It was me who took Neegau to have her vaccination four times in two months (cos I botched the first two times).  Don't they remember that?  Those three cats are disgusting.  They are mean traitors.  But I miss them.

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