
The effect of SARS (2004-05-22)

Something I have noticed in Hong Kong during this trip is that people are much more conscious of personal hygiene.  We were told since the devastation of SARS last year, Hong Kongers have generally improved their hygiene habit.  Toilets in restaurants are clean and fully equipped with ample soap and paper towels because people are much more vigilant in hand washing.  Newly imposed hefty fines for spitting and littering also help bring the number of litter bugs down and curb the spread of diseases.  I saw some masked people on the streets where they never existed just two years ago. 

Automatic disinfectant dispensers are common at the entrances of buildings.  There are even sanitizing carpets outside malls and buildings to disinfect soles but I doubt they really work. 

The hospital where we went to visit KL's mom requires all visitors to don masks upon entering the building.  It does not matter whether they actually make contact with patients or not.  KL's neice who went there with us is only seven years old and is not old enough to be allowed into the ward but she had to wear a mask the whole time she's sitting in the waiting area, much like the rest of the masked visitors around her.  It's pretty strict to me and I was amazed at everyone's willingness to oblige.

If there ever was a positive thing that could be said about SARS, it would have to be that it made Hong Kong much cleaner and its people more hygiene conscious.

To be continued

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