Marunouchi Brick Square (2010-07-01)

Marunouchi Brick Square


Ground floor garden


A rare sight

The weather was great when we went there

Next time I'd like to lunch at this restaurant

The fountain is the focal point in the garden

KL took this close-up picture

Sculptures get their own bench

This one is called siesta

Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum by the garden

One of the shops on the ground floor: Cath Kidston

This shop only uses butter from France for their pastries; their croissants are very popular in Tokyo right now

This shop has many funky merchandise

and colorful too

La Boutique de Joel Robuchon has delicious bread, I love their focaccia



Convenience store Lawson becomes stylish in Marunouchi Brick Square

It still sells the same things as any other branches

Donq bakery also becomes swanky in it

Restaurant floor

Another corner of the restaurant floor

This is a good ramen shop, one day I'll report on it
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