Efoo 2009-2019 (2019-11-15)

My sister made a tribute to Efoo on her instagram

First exam after he fell ill

Always a nervous wreck at the vet's

Getting medicine

and nutrients because he was vomitting and couldn't hold down food and water

Blood being drawn for tests

Efoo never uttered a sound for any needle pricks, x-rays and echo. He was a very good boy till the end

Getting urine by being stuck a tube through his penis was brutal

I believe it did more harm than good to his body. I don't think I can allow this procedure on our future cats

He perked up after the first vet visit

Unfortunately it didn't last

Creatinine and amylase readings were the highest the machine could record

Further blood test in an outside lab confirmed Efoo's dire kidney functions (or lack there of)

With the vet's support and reassurance,

we had to end Efoo's suffering


Despite being very weak, Efoo still freaked out a little in the clinic

Efoo went peacefully

The vet cleaned his body before handing it to us

Because of the historical typhoon hitting Tokyo the day he died, we had to store Efoo in the freezer before his body could be picked up

He looked so peaceful
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