City Cafe And Dreamland (2005-11-18)
City Café
The first dining room has a counter and register on one side
The middle dining room inside the café
There is a sauce shelf above every table
Fluffy dinner rolls and cornbread come with your meal
KL's hamburger steak topped with robust onion rings and fried okra
I know this collard greens looks nasty (KL's words), but I loved its taste. It reminds me of the dried Bok Choy my mom uses in making Chinese soup
Dreamland BBQ
Inside the restaurant
"No farting" in the restaurant
Paul "Bear" Bryant was a well-known and respected football coach of our school. He passed away in the 80's
This is all they have on their menu
We shared an order of slab. The bread and drinks are refillable
Our big cups of tea refilled free to take home with us. Free refills of drinks is a common practice in the Southern states
The slogan of Dreamland is "Ain't Nothing Like'em Nowhere"
Krispy Kreme store. The pregnant lady who later volunteered to take our picture was sitting in that van
Krispy Kreme donuts look good, taste bad
My cinnamon twist donut (top) lost most cinnamon coating in the bag so it barely tasted cinnamony. All three donuts were oily, doughy and heavy
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