
A Spanking New Weber (2007-04-26)

Our barbecue "drum" has a lot of flaws.  The fact that it doesn't have a lid makes slowly cooking meat impossible.  And then it's also too small.  You know how we love love love BBQ food, so when we saw a mini Weber (the only size the store sells) went on sale for 4000 Yen /US$33 (which is a very good bargain here), we snapped it up.  It's time we had a proper grill to do some better barbecuing.

I wouldn't trade our tiny Weber for one of those fancy schmancy hooded gas grill even if I had room for such a gizmo.  You can call it grilling at best with those setup, but barbecuing it ain't.  No, siree.  In my book, true BBQ requires charcoal or briquets, or at least an open fire over wood if briquets aren't available.  Australians call cooking food on a metal plate outdoors barbecuing.  Though I'll admit it's a lot of fun cooking outside around family and friends (unless it's family and friends you loathe but obligated to invite to your cookout), but the food will not have the unique smoky aroma and flavor from charcoal, I'm sorry.

With Golden Week holiday around the corner, we will definitely be barbecuing.  I'll post that later.

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